
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Health Promoting Attitudes

Dear Friends,

Nice to come back with one more post which is going to help every one us in learning few more points towards better health, Hope you are enjoying the article published in this blog and they are use full for you.

Surprisingly i found one interesting statement recently, if i tell you directly that may not make sense for lot of people, i am writing about that in this article at the end of the article i will give the statement which i came across. Lets look in to the topic.

Healthy people feel that they are in control of their own live ( in all aspects like time, money, physical and mental strength ) rather than victims of circumstances beyond their control.

Healthy people do not underestimate or overestimate their capacities. They are ware of their physical and mental limitations and accept them, but continually strive to improve themselves to realize their potential.

Healthy people make personal decisions on the basis of rational rather than emotional considerations. They are not prejudiced, but are open to rational argument. They are not stubborn or willful, but proceed in the light of the most logical course of action. They are not overly flattered by praise and recognition, not unduly influenced by lack of recognition and criticism.

Healthy people have a strong, personal value system and are therefore immune to corrupting influences and greed. They have a realistic appraisal of human frailties and shortcomings. Such realization does not prevent them from readily entering into trusting and meaningful relationships with others.

Health people have interests and concerns beyond their own personal welfare and happiness, or that of their immediate family and circle of friends. They see themselves as members of the larger world community and accept the responsibilities this entails.

Healthy people conduct themselves in full knowledge of their ultimate mortality and have some to grips with it emotionally. These people do not harbor a morbid fear of death or dying, but are sustained by a strong sense of the underlying continuity in the perpetual changes and transformations observable in nature.

Healthy people keep them self positive and they will always be with positive association. To keep positive read positive books, listen to positive things avoid all the sources (even people) which will give you negative things happening around us.

Please fell free to post your feed back in comments section, your feed back will give you information about what you are looking for so that i can write about those.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Know About Heart Attack

Dear Friends,

Hope this blog is giving you the good use full information . In recent time i heard so many people at their early 30s died with heart attacks, which motivated me to write some thing which is use full for people, so i started studying why it is happening, there may be different reasons, few of them might be.

> Lacl of proper awareness about nutritional needs with the rapid change of the work as well as out side environment.
> Lack of knowledge about what are the causes of heart attack and how to prevent it.

So to increase the awareness about this i thought of gathering some information, i did that i am sharing that with you in the below article.

Heart attack and stroke are two common types of heart disease. Your doctor may also call them cardiovascular diseases ( this is one type of cardiovascular disease, As per journal of medical association (JAMA) reports in abiqut intake of vitamins will cause cardiovascular diseases so they recommend to take Daily does of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in 2002) . Both conditions can happen when blood can't flow through your blood vessels because they are narrowed or blocked.

Keeping your blood vessels healthy can help you reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor/nutrition specialist can help you set goals and keep an eye on your progress. Even if you've already had a heart attack or stroke, it's not too late to improve your health and prevent future damage.

Know your Risk:

Your risk of a heart attack or stroke increases if you :
  • have high blood pressure
  • Have high Cholesterol
  • Have a family history of heart attack, stroke or heart disease.
  • have had a heart attack or stroke.
  • have peripheral artery disease(PAD)
  • are overweight or obese
  • have diabetes
  • smoke
  • don't exercise
Lifestyle changes along with appropriate nutrition can reduce your risk and will take you towards Optimal Health

Inside your arteries :
Arteries are a type of blood vessel. Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and smooth on the inside. Blood flows freely through them from your heart to other parts of your body. Over time, high blood pressure and other risk factors, like smoking, can damage your artery walls and cause them to harden, thicken and become less flexible. This is called arteriosclerosis.
Plaque, Which is mostly made up of cholesterol and fats, can then build up on the damaged walls of an artery. This is called atherosclerosis. As plaque builds, the artery narrows and restricts blood flow.
Eventually, the plaque can rupture, or crack. If this happens, a clot can form.

If a clot blocks blood flow to your heart, you may have a heart attack. If a clot blocks blood flow to your brain, you may have a stroke.

Warning Signs : Symptoms of a heart attack or stroke are not the same for every one. Also, signs of a second heart attack or stroke may be different from those you had the first time.

Heart Attack Symptoms :
Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, your back, neck, jaw or stomach.
Pain or discomfort in the center of your chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.
Pressure, squeezing or fullness in your chest.
Shortness of breath.
Nausea, Vomiting, cold sweat or dizziness.

Stroke Symptoms :
Sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arm or leg on one side of your body.
Trouble walking or dizziness.
Sudden confusion or trouble speaking.
Loss of vision in one or both eyes.
Sudden, severe headache.

Managing :
Making the decision to change your lifestyle is your best defense against a future heart attack or stroke. Here are some important things you can do to reduce your risk.

Lower high blood pressure :
If you have high blood pressure, make a plan with your nutrition specialist to lower it with diet, exercise and, if you need it, use supplements. While you're at your nutritionist/doctor visit, records your current blood pressure, as well as your blood pressure goal.

Lower high cholesterol :
Talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes and medicines that can help your get your cholesterol under control. Work with your doctor to record your current and goal numbers.

sponsored links :
cholesterol health & Heart health

Lose weight :
If you have extra body fat -especially around your waist your risk of a heart attack or stroke increases. Losing just 10 pounds can reduce your risk. Talk to your doctor before beginning a weight loss or exercise plan.

Eat a healthy diet : Ask your nutrition specialist to help you create a plan. Eat a diet high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low in sodium. Keep a food diary so you know what and how much you're eating. Read nutrition labels on packaged foods, and aks for nutritional information when eating out.

Be active :
If you haven't worked out in a while, start slowly and add minute to your workout each day. work with your health care specialist to create a exercise routine that works best for you. Try to make exercise part of your routine, vary your workouts to keep it interesting, and fix exercise into every day activities. If you've had trouble sticking to an exercise plan in the past, choose activities that your enjoy and ask friends and family to join you. If you miss a day, don't be discouraged. Just start again that next day.

Control your diabetes :
If you have diabetes, be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels. The ADA recommends that keep your A1C below 7%. A1C is the test that measures your average blood glucose over two to three months.

Quit smoking:
If your smoke, you can double your risk of developing heart disease. But, after just 24hr of quitting, your risk goes down. After one year risk is half that of a smoker. If you've tried unsuccessfully to quit in the past, talk to your doctor about options that can help you.

Avoid excessive alcohol use :
Limit your alcohol intake to one drink per day for women and two for men. One drink is equal to 12oz. of beer, 4 oz. of wine, or 1.5oz. of 80-proof liquor. this is for the people who take alcohol but not for the people who don't take it.

Reduce stress :
Long term high stress can contribute to heart disease. Take steps to reduce stress in your life, and consider practicing relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercises. Also food/supplements with high B-complex also will help you to put your stress levels at low.

Talk openly with your doctor:
It's normal to experience anger, guilt or depression after having a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor can help.

We believe in prevention than treating. so make a smart choice in your life style and food habits to avoid the heart attack. Some more tips to avoid heart related problems are :
Avoid taking food with high saturated fat.
Completely avoid food with trans-fat.
Increase the food intake of essential fats ( unsaturated fats ) which are Omega 3 fats.
Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Drink warm water after taking the food.
Take milk with reduced fat/no fat.
Exercise/walk every day.
Yearly once go for complete health checkup.

Please feel free to post your comments/feed back in comments section. Your feed back will give us lot of encouragement to write more about Optimal Health. all the reads of this page will get nutritional counseling at min cost of $25. You can prevent/reduce heart attack by identifying you nutritional needs and genetic needs to know more about this you can contact with subject for email as Genetic Test (Heart/Nutritional).

To buy any Vitamins and Supplements visit our online stores at Health and Beauty Zone

Friday, January 15, 2010

Vitamin D Dietary Supplement

Dear Readers,
Recently i got a email from Better Life Institute about Vitamin D, i would like to share that email in this blog, i am pasting that information in the following blog you can read that and make a quality decision in your life to make your self better healthy person.

Please find the article below which is published better health institute.

Vitamin D; Dietary Supplement Updates
Better Life Experts | January 15, 2010

This fat soluble vitamin has been a source of health news over the last year and it may be a good idea for you to have your Vitamin D status checked especially if you live in far northern latitudes (42 degrees north latitude) because most people meet their Vitamin D needs through exposure to sunlight and the winter months are marked by sunlight deficiencies.

Vitamin D plays a vital role for calcium absorption in the intestines and in the maintenance of normal bone mineralization, bone growth and bone renovation within serum (liquid component of blood in the body). How can an individual determine if they are deficient in Vitamin D?

The most commonly used test used by physicians as the best indicator of Vitamin D status is serum concentration 25(OH) D. Serum concentration of 25(OH) D reflects Vitamin D that is produced from foods and supplements as well as by the skin through sunlight. A reading of >37.5 nmol/L is considered adequate for bone and overall health in healthy individuals. Amounts less than this level probably indicate inadequate consumption of Vitamin D. Anything consistently >500 nmol/L is considered toxic.

Generally, AI (adequate intake) daily of 200 IU of Vitamin D for children under 14 years is recommended. AIs for adults aged 19-50 years are also 200 IU.

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for Vitamin D have been challenged by scientists since the first ULs were published in 1997. Certainly, long term intakes above UL increase the risk of toxicity, but it is suggested by nutritionists that larger does of Vitamin D administered over a short period of time (up to 8 weeks) does not cause toxicity. It is stipulated that the excess amount of Vitamin D is stored and used by the body as needed to maintain normal serum concentrations.

Better Life Unlimited suggests that you consult with your doctor and discuss the possibility of having your Vitamin D status evaluated for current serum 25(OH) D levels. Your physician should determine the adequate consumption of Vitamin D needed for each of you, based upon your health status. Do not consume ULs without physician guidance and approval.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

10 easy ways to better health

Dear Friends,

This is really not my topic, i got this from a book which i feel very important to make a note and help others to know about this. The new year is a perfect time to develop a new outlook, especially regarding your health. Taking proactive measures now can ensure a healthier you- physically and mentally0-in 2010 . Here are some simple steps to better health in the new year.

Eat Organic : Not only are organic foods chemical- and pesticide free but they contain more cancer fighting antioxidants than conventional foods. to know more facts about organic foods read why organic.

Develop a yoga practice: yoga is a fantastic way to build physical strength and stamina, and it has a profound effect on your emotional and mental state. Yoga's breathing techniques work to calm your mind, relieve stress, fight illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, and infuse your body and mind with a sense of well being.

Unplug : We spend a majority of our day being bombarded with news or radio broadcasts, emails, phone calls, and text messages. Taking at least 15-30 minutes each day for yourself, with no interruptions, is a surprisingly efficient way to decrease your stress levels and recharge your inner battery. Drink tea in a quiet space, go for a walk in the park, or just take time out to think.

Connect with friends & family : A 2008 Gallup poll found that spending at least six hours every week of pure social time with people we love increases our happiness levels and decreases stress levels. In my feeling positive association will help you a lot in achieving to increase happiness levels & positive thought process.

Garden : Digging in the soil is a great way to enjoy some physical exercise, and also to tune in to the relaxing rhythms of the earth.

Drink more water: Eight glasses a day can keep a host of unwelcome symptoms and illnesses away. Water detoxifies the body, contributes to optimum brain functioning, prevents fatigue, and reduces the risk for certain types of cancer.

Increase your home air quality : Most of us spend about 90% of our time inside. According to the U.S. Environment protection agency, toxins from house hold cleaning products could render the air inside our homes 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside. Buy green cleaning products which are EPA approved stock up on a few safe, simple ingredients that can be used in most cleaning situations. Soap, water, baking soda, Vinegar, Lemon juice, borax, and a coarse cleaning brush will conquer most household dirt.

Read : Experts say reading is a great way to fight off dementia related to aging and helps to preserve your cognitive abilities.

Clean up your cosmetics : Everyday use of daily grooming products may be exposing your body to chemicals that have been linked with cancer, neurological damage, and more. Check out for more natural skin care and color cosmetics at Cosmetics & Skin care .

Laugh : It may sound like a cliche, but laughter can boost your immune system, lower your blood sugar levels, and help you get a good night's sleep. Aim for a good belly laugh every day.

For any questions please write a email to

Friday, January 1, 2010

What is prematurely aging of skin?

Dear Readers,

Hope you are enjoying and learning some thing about good nutrition to maintain optimal health, this post on wards you can learn more about skin care and skin health (or outer beauty), In this post i am going to write about Premature Aging.
What is prematurely-aging skin?

Premature aging is nothing but an unnatural acceleration of the natural aging process and is induced by daylight exposure ( 90% of premature aging is caused by UV rays from the sun) and lifestyle choices ( smoking, stress, or diet . These factors trigger a slowing of collagen production and a breakdown in elastin reducing "turgor" (or the snap back into place reaction when skin has been pulled). The skin cell turnover process slows, and dead skin cell shed off of our skin's surface at a slower rate. Other contributors to the quickening of the natural aging process are sleeping positions, repetitive facial expressions and gravity.
Premature aging isn't natural. So what is natural? Healthy aging-also known as intrinsic aging, or the normal process of physical change over time that is more about your genetics than your life style. This process begins in our mid-20s, but, unlike premature aging induced by external factor, does not begin to show on our faces until decades later.
While intrinsic aging is out of our control, you play a powerful role in controlling extrinsic aging. And the right lifestyle choices and a proper product prescription are your first steps towards maintaining healthy good looking skin.

There are so many factors contribute to the process of premature aging (extrinsic aging). I am going do discuss the most common, and fortunately, the most treatable and preventable when lifestyle changes are adapted and when under the care of a skin care professional.

5 main causes of premature aging:

The Sun : Responsible for a litany of skin issues, and more importantly skin cancer, the sun really is our skin's worst enemy. Scientific studies have shown that repeated UV(Ultraviolet) exposure breaks down collagen, impairs skin's ability to repair itself, and attacks our elastin.
The damage is seen through deep wrinkles age spots ( hyper-pigmentation), spider veins, a rough blotchy complexion and a leathery look.

Cumulative exposure to daylight will also cause extensive damage. Fifteen minute walks outside and occasional lunches outdoors can add up to weakened collagen and elastin, and occasional lunches outdoors can add up to weakened collagen and elastin, and of course, skin cancer. And even if you don't see pink or red skin after being in the sun, that doesn't mean that the damage hasn't been done.

Lack f Exercise/Poor Diet :Lack of exercise can contribute to prematurely aging skin, as exercise keeps muscles tone and stimulates blood flow.
A poor diet leads to a lack of nutrition for the cells and possible exposure to chemicals and preservatives. Fried and burnt food can also cause oxidation ( free radicals from vitamins help counteract oxidation), leading to weaker cell structure.

Lack of sleep/Stress :Skin is the first place to be affected by lack of sleep-the immediate effects of exhaustion are represented through dark circles under the eyes and sagging skin.
Stress is inevitable - just like aging! But is also contributes to premature aging, Often when we're stressed, we furrow our brow, place our hands on our face and pull it in every which way direction, frown ( where do you think we term frown lines come from ?) and twist our faces around, performing repetitive movements that impart permanent damage. Stress also result in heightened adrenal activity, which over time can lead to impaired health.

Smoking :Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop wrinkled, leathery skin, as well as yellowish hue in their complexions. And even if you aren't a smoker, being around a smoker can still cause damage to your skin.

Exposure to the elements :Cold winds and low temperature can dry out skin, depriving it of balanced levels of sebum (oil) that keep skin lubricated. without these oils, skin becomes dry and is more prone to premature aging because of the lack of protective oils.
This goes for forced air heating as well. Warm air acts like a giant sponge, soaking up moisture from everything it touches.

Sun protection as we discussed above:
It the sun is your skin's worst enemy, then sun protection is your first line of defense. When selecting sun protection, look for Sun Protection Factor (SPF) that are combined with stabilized antioxidant vitamins. Research shows sunscreens formulated with antioxidants provide enhanced protection against damaging UV light and free radicals. With this increased protection from antioxidants, there is no need to add more potentially irritating sunscreen chemicals to create a higher SPF level.

Proper treatment for results: When skin is healthy, premature aging is minimized. Professional skin treatments coupled with the right lifestyle choices are great ways to begin treating the signs of premature aging.
An effective prematurely-aging skin treatment regimen will include exfoliation, hydration, and vitamins to help smooth skin, stimulate collagen production and increase skin's natural protective barrier.

  • Exfoliation helps remove dulling skin cells while improving penetration of beneficial ingredients. The use of electric brushes will also greatly enhance the penetration of the exfoliation ingredients.
  • Galvanic current can also be used to increase product penetration. This professional tool creates gentle electrical currents that work to push hydrating and replenishing ingredients deep into the layers of the epidermis.
  • Emollients will help maintain soft, smooth, pliable skin and will act as a lubricant, helping to reduce flaking and moisture loss while improving appearance.
  • It has been scientifically proven that topically-applied vitamins do improve the health of skin. Vitamin A help inhibit collagen breakdown while stimulating collagen production, Vitamin B5 aids in would healing, Vitamin C is an antioxidant that inhibits melanin, and Vitamin E is an antioxidant that provides barrier protection while smoothing skin.

For better understanding of your skin and for prevention of premature aging please fix appointment with our experts contact us @

for beauty and health care products please visit our website