
Thursday, November 11, 2010

About Taurine

Dear Friends,

Its a  great feeling to come back to you with one more interesting article, which can help us in many ways. Recently i was talking to one of my prospective client(Indian back ground) about energy drinks. I was talking to him about on of our brand XS Energy drink, he is excited about 0 sugar, 0 cards; Caffeine free blend, he tasted it and liked a lot. But he told me that most of the energy drinks contains Taurine which can cause impotency, he said his doctor told him (but truth is he got this partial information from his friend), he said that i can search about this online also. Then i searched online about this topic. I was wondered with the results. 
In this article i would like to share some information about Taurine and the results i came across. What i understood is that its good for health. Let look into the results how it can help in health. 

Despite being present in many energy foods, taurine has not been proven to be energy-giving. A study of mice hereditary unable to transport taurine suggests that it is needed for proper maintenance and functioning of skeletal muscles In addition, it has been shown to be effective in removing fatty liver deposits in rats, preventing liver disease, and reducing cirrhosis in tested animals. There is also evidence that taurine is beneficial for adult human blood pressure and possibly, the alleviation of other cardiovascular ailments (in humans suffering essential hypertension, taurine supplementation resulted in measurable decreases in blood pressure) Taurine is regularly used as an ingredient in energy drinks, with many containing 1000 mg per serving and some as much as 2000 mg
A 2003 study by the European Food Safety Authority found no adverse effects for up to 1,000 mg of taurine per kilogram of body weight per day. However this was in regard to taurine alone; they did not compare the effects of taurine when combined with the other ingredients in energy drinks. A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks.

Some benefits of Taurine:

In Japan, taurine is used to treat ischemic heart disease as well as certain heart arrhythmias. People who suffer from congestive heart failure are reported to have benefited from taurine therapy - in the amount of 3 to 5 grams per day - and taurine may also be helpful in the treatment of both hypertension and high cholesterol.

Taurine and hepatitis:
In a double-blind, randomized study (3), acute hepatitis patients were given taurine in the amount of 4 grams 3 times a day after meals. The participants in the taurine study experienced significant decreases in bilirubin, and total bile acids.

Taurine and alcoholism:
Taurine has been shown to be useful in treating people with alcohol dependency. In people undergoing alcohol withdrawal, taurine given at 1 gram 3 times per day for 7 days resulted in significantly fewer psychotic episodes when compared to people who were taking a placebo (4).

Yet another study (5) involving over 3,000 alcohol dependent people with who were given taurine at similar doses showed that taurine is more effective than placebo at preventing alcohol relapse. The effectiveness of this taurine supplement appeared to be dependent on the dose given.

Taurine and type 1 diabetes:
Studies (1) have demonstrated that taurine acts as a potent antioxidant and improves drug-induced type 1 diabetes mellitus in laboratory rats, by combating the destructive effect oxygen free radicals have on the pancreas. Moreover, the second mechanism by which taurine improves insulin resistance is through an increase in the excretion of cholesterol via conversion to bile acid.

Because type 1 diabetes is so devastating if not treated properly, taurine in the amount of 500 mg 1 to 3 times a day is generally a good idea in these cases.

Studies (2) have shown that even in infants, taurine insufficiency results in reduced bile acid secretion, reduced fat absorption and reduce liver function, all of which can be reversed by supplementing the diet with taurine.

These studies also support the theory that taurine is essential for proper development and growth. Consequently, taurine has been added to most commercially-available infant formulas.

I took lot of information form different websites, so i thank all the publishers for providing such a useful information.

i hope this information is useful for lot of you, i would like to urge ever one of you that please do a minimum search about the any ingredient before giving statements in public what ever the words once they come out we can't take them back.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tips for Staying Positive Every Day

Dear Friends,
It was nice to come back to you with a nice article about Staying Positive Every Day, this may be seems to be a simple topic but its very use full for all of us in day to day life. Learning to turn negative thoughts into positive ones is always going to take time, even if the process if self is simple and effective. Just make sure that you try to proactive every day by following these top tips:
Stay Healthy: Keeping a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to stay positive without any psychological work. Try to exercise at least there times a week for around half an hour. Exercise is medically proven to affect your mood and to help reduce stress. The more you do it, the longer lasting the effect will be. A healthy diet is also completely essential - a healthy mind is definitely linked to a healthy body.
Check That You Are Staying Positive: Most of our thoughts just happen, we don't constantly check every single one. However, on your journey to become more positive it will be helpful to check yourself a few times throughout the day. Are you slipping back into your old habits of negative thinking? Try to put a positive spin on what's going on around you. Start looking at positive things in each and every thing happening around you.
Smile: Allowing yourself to be open to humor and letting yourself smile or laugh is one of the best ways to staying positive! Smiling is even physically proven to make you more happy. Try it right now.
Use Positive Self Talk: Many of us use negative self-talk without even realizing it. That means the little voice in your head that tells you things are bound to go wrong, to to avoid situations. You can actively control your thoughts, however just try to make sure you say only nice things to yourself. Try to encourage yourself, and remember that negative thoughts are rarely true. Read Positive Metal Attitude books, One of my favorite books is The Magic Of Thinking Big. What ever our subconscious mind listen it believe that, so program your subconscious mind with positive words.
Talk to Positive People: This a a great tip, as positivity really is contagious. If you surround yourself with people who love and support you then it will rub off on you. Not to mention the fact that they will assure you your negative self-talk simply isn't true. This is power of association, even most of time we tell our children "Be careful with whom you hang around", just because association is very powerful, so all ways be with the people how can look for positive in other, uplift people and encourage you that make a lot of impact on your thoughts.
We are happy to hear back from you feedback about article and blog so please post your comments in the comments section.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Take a decission part 1

Dear Readers,

Our main intention behind this series of articles is to give you the information which can help you in taking the decision about supplementation, Lot of time we are not sure what kind of supplementation we need ? and do we really need supplementation or not ? we are going to provide you the information about each and every vitamin & mineral, how much do we need on daily basis? and how much we are getting from food (What food contains how much)? what is the effect of deficiency and how we can avoid, what is the good supplementation for it. We prefer you take all the necessary diet from natural food source, but if you are not able to take that on daily basis we recommended you to take supplementation to avoid deficiency.

I would like to share a small story which might help you in taking quality decision. Let us consider that we have a pot which can hold 100 letter of water, and there is a hole to that pot which can leak one letter of water a day, Now initially we filled the pot 100 letter of water. Our target is to keep the pot always full so that we will not fall deficiency (lack) of water there is a saying that full pot will be stronger than empty pot. To meet our target we need to fill pot with at least one letter of water a day, but if we are not doing that what's going to happen? may be we are adding less than 1 letter water...? after some days the pot will be empty.

Same way our body also works, every day for the normal daily activity out body need different Vitamins, minerals and Other Dietary nutrients ( we can say in the process of metabolism, generation of new cells and energy consumption in human body along with many more ). Scientist came up with theory to calculate the metabolism rate depending on lot of factors, in general 2000 Calories of food per day is not suitable for every one its a ideal calculation, No of calories out body consumes on daily basis depends on our activity level and life style & habits. same with the vitamins, mineral and phytonutrites.

Moral of the story is that, to avoid the deficiency we need to fill gap as per the consumption. If we are not taking Optimal nutrition as per the requirements (which is minimum RDA) , its sure that we will fall deficiency of nutrition, Its good idea to add little extra nutrition to our body to make sure we get balanced nutrition. Lets look into what are the vitamins and mineral we required on daily basis along with some other nutrition. There is one more option you will have get a deficiency and take higher dosage of same nutrition (which is called drug) or supplement it when we are not deficient to not to follow deficiency.

For Complete nutrition analyst; Counseling use the following link

Free Nutrition Counseling.

Different types of Vitamins and there function in our body.

Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamins)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone/phytol naphthoquinone)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Different types of Mineral and there function in our body.


Best Organic daily vitamins & minerals Nutrilite Daily Vitamins & Minerals.

Other Important nutrition for human body.

Unsaturated Fats(Omega 3)
and many more.

now every week you we will present about each vitamin/mineral/Other essential nutrition related details. Those article may help you in taking critical decisions about your health and nutrition.

Feel free to write your comments and  questions in the comments section for this article.


Glister Demo

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for continues support for improving this blog, this time i would like to share very use full information which about the tooth paste which we use at least two times a day, What ever the tooth paste we use it should be very soft on our teeth, along with good cleaning properties, there might be very small particle which might damage enamel on the teach, to test that we did a small experiment on the tooth paste with different brands, see the results in following video.

If you observe this demo, other than glister every other tooth paste is removing black from the card board which means they are hard on the teeth also because same way they might damage enamel on the teeth. so be care full when you use tooth paste. I know few people might have questions about the weather Glister is good for teeth or not, i am giving some technical information about Glister in the following paragraph.

Glister multi-action toothpaste will provide six different type of protection for your teeth.

1. Whitens Teeth
2. Removes Plaque
3. Fights cavities
4. Safely Cleans
5. Freshens breath
6. Promotes Re-Mineralization

This is a fluoride toothpaste along with all the above features. Order now, feel free to write your comments on the comments section to improve this blog. if you have any questions feel free to write email at


New Espring Demo

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for working with me in improving this blog, we would like to present you couple of videos which shows you the demonstration of the videos related to eSpring watter purifier. I am not going to go in detail in this post. Two tests are conducted on espring water purifier.

1. eSpring Purification:

2.eSpring Odor Purification Demo

Order now. Orders place before 30th Oct 2010, please send us email with order number to get special discount Offers.

feel free to write your comments in the comments section, to improve the blog. next post will be about our keep your home clean and be environmental friendly.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair loss & nutrition

Dear Readers,

         Thank you so much for your requist about new articles, we highly encourage you to post requests also in the comments section so that we can keep track of all the requests and that might be use full for other readers also . We got a good number of request about avoiding hair loss and imporve the health of hair. Current article will help you to understand how to reduce the hair loss and improve the health of hair. 

           There might be so many reasons for hair loss, Nutrition and Toxination are the two of them. We are going to cover nutrition side of hair loss and health of hair, In coming up articles we are going to cover few more topics related to the same topic, We belive that nutriton makes a big difference in most of the problems we get related to health. 

Lets see what kind of nutrition will help in which way, we are going to explain you how vitamins, mineral & other essintial nutriton will help you in reducing hair loss and increase the health of hair, remember one things defficiency of any of the following might also cause the hair loss.
Vitamin A and Hair Loss

If hair loss is due to thyroid dysfunction, eat more foods rich in vitamin A and iodine or take the appropriate Vitamin A and iodine supplements. But be cautious because, excessive intake of Vitamin A can cause hair loss. Taking large doses of vitamin A (100,000 IU or more daily) for a long period of time, on the other hand, can trigger hair loss, but stopping the vitamin A will reverse the problem. As in case of vitamin A deficiencies, often hair will grow back when the deficiency is corrected.

A deficiency of Vitamin A will cause dry hair and rough skin. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and if large doses (50,000 - 100,000 iu daily) are taken for a prolonged period the liver cannot store the A vitamin, and it can build up in the body to give unpleasant side effects which include nausea, headaches, hair loss, drowsiness and weight loss.

The R.D.A. for vitamin A is 2,500 iu to 5,000 iu.

Vitamin B and Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur when a diet is lacking important B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin), are especially important for hair growth. All of the B Vitamins help make your hair healthy. These important vitamins include folic acid, vitamin B3, which is niacin, and inositol. Vitamins B5, which is pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6, which is biotin, are also necessary for proper health. B vitamins are known to restore hair and nails and contribute to a healthy circulation system. If you have diet induced hair loss it is wise to take a B vitamin complex daily. It is surprising how many people do not get enough B vitamins in their daily food intake.

Buy Natural B complex

Folic Acid and Hair Loss

A diet that is deficient in folic acid can cause hair loss that ranges from simple hair thinning to patchy hair loss or even to total baldness. The regular dosage for folic acid for adult men is 400 mcg. and the regular dose for adult women is 200 mcg. Women of child-bearing age should always make sure they are getting enough folic acid in their diet because it prevents birth defects in addition to promoting healthy hair.

Vitamin C and Hair Loss

Most of us know Vitamin C as imunity boster, but what we need to know is Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, glucosamin and many other nutrients critical to healthy hair growth. Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles.
Buy Bio C : Bio C has better effect than Synthatic C Vitamin

Vitamin D and Hair Loss

Researchers and scientists have conducted an experiment using mice as their medium. According to the study, vitamin D can indeed help in preventing hair loss and this is supported by the effects of giving the 'D' vitamin to the mice. If this occurs in young adults, the individual may be suffering from vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin D

Omega 3 is a factor that affects the biological process of the 'D' vitamin. The modern lifestyle of today usually involves doing mostly indoor activities and so you don't get enough sunlight which is an excellent source of vitamin D. But according to some researches, this is not the main reason. Researchers pointed out the diet lacking of essential fatty acids as one of the major cause vitamin D deficiency.

Buy Vitamin D

Vitamin E and Hair Loss

Vitamin E is important for healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss. Vitamin E can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp.
It improves health and growth of hair. Since hair health is tied to the immune health, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function. A Canadian physician who started going grey was able to reverse the process by taking 800iu of vitamin E in capsule form daily. At the age of 68 after some 15 years of taking vitamin E he still has a healthy head of thick black hair, and is the envy of men half his age.

Vitamin E has also been shown to retard the ageing process. It has been suggested that grey hair is a symptom of body degeneration so a supplement of vitamin E can only be beneficial whether you have grey hair or not. The best natural sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, Soya beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and eggs.

Soy Protein and Hair Loss

European studies have found that soy protein reinforces hair and stimulates its growth. In one study, The hair growth increased by 15 percent. Tofu and soy milk are good sources of soy protein. Other good sources of protein are: low-fat cheese, eggs, fish, beans, brewer's yeast and yogurt. The hair is comprised mostly of protein. To encourage hair growth, adhere to a diet rich in protein. A recommended diet for this purpose includes calves liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and two tablespoons of granulated lecithin. Along with protein, these foods are also high in B vitamins, an important nutrient for hair. Soy Protein supplements may be used to increase your intake of protein and support proper hair growth.

Buy Soy Protein (With All essential Amino Acids)

Fish Oil and Hair Loss

Scientific research confirms the important role of Omega-3 essential fatty acids in maintaining healthy blood triglyceride levels, as well as supporting the heart, hair, skin and joints. Fish Oil contains an abundance of two-key Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, EPA and DHA all of which support healthy hair growth and reduce the chance for hair loss.

To learn more about Omega 3 (fish oil) read the old article published in this blog

Buy Omega 3 (Pure Salmon Fish Oil) which EPA and DHA in 1:1 ratio

Iron and Hair Loss

Anemia, caused by the shortage of iron in the blood, is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss. Eat plenty of iron-rich foods, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, and raisins. Iron supplements support rich oxygented blood which is key for eliminating hair loss. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron as well as many other important nutrients for proper hair growth. Some symptoms of iron deficiency include hair loss and dizziness. Iron supplements should be used with caution, not more than 27mg per day, to insure that you do not overdose.

Buy Iron folic

Green Tea and Hair Loss

Some studies have shown that Green Tea may influence blood concentrations of hormones in women linked to at least one form of genetic hair loss known as androgenic alopecia. In a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 1998, Japanese researchers found that drinking green tea may increase levels of the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in women. Since this bio-chemical binds testosterone, the more SHBG present in a woman's body, at least theoretically, the less testosterone will be in her bloodstream. And that, say some experts, may block the chain of hormonal activity that initiates some forms of hair loss.

Buy Green Tea

Enzymes and Hair Loss

Coenzyme Q10 is an important enzyme that improves scalp circulation, increases tissue oxygenation, and is also very important for heart health. Increasing circulation and tissue oxygen levels are very beneficial for proper hair growth and reducing hair loss.

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Feel free to write your comments in the comments section, we appriciate your feed back.

Not only internal health will determine the health of the hair, but also externally what type of care we are taking will have the effect for best hair care product visit our Online Market Place Hair Care  Product page.

Once again to let you know that we are trying to help the poeple looking for hair loss solution using there diet,  In coming aticles we are going to present how much of vitamins we need on daily basis, how much are getting through our food this will help our readers to understand more about Diet. You don't need doctor recomondation to take daily vitamins in most of the cases, but if you are under some medication you can check with your doctors/nutritionist.


References :
D - The Essential Hair Loss Vitamin
Vitamin D - The Vitamin for Hair Loss

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Know about iron Mineral

Dear Readers,

                  To day i am going to present you about the Iron Mineral, which is very important for all of us, Esspecially its very important for women. After reading this article the following questions will be answered for you.

What is Iron Mineral ?
Where can we find iron Mineral ?
What is the effect of Deficiency ?
How to Avoid deficiency ?

and some other details also, lets jump into the topic.

Iron (Fe) is a component of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and many enzymes in the body. Heme iron, contained mainly in animal products, is absorbed much better than nonheme iron (eg, in plants and grains), which accounts for > 85% of iron in the average diet. However, absorption of nonheme iron is increased when it is consumed with animal protein and vitamin C.


Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies in the world. It may result from the following:

  • Inadequate iron intake, common in infants, adolescent girls, and pregnant women
  • Malabsorption (eg, celiac sprue)
  • Chronic bleeding
Chronic bleeding due to colon cancer is a serious cause in middle-aged people and the elderly.

When deficiency is advanced, microcytic anemia develops for more details please visit Anemias Caused by Deficient Erythropoiesis: Iron Deficiency Anemia.
In addition to anemia, iron deficiency may cause pica (a craving for nonfoods) and spoon nails and is associated with restless leg syndrome. Rarely, iron deficiency causes dysphagia due to postcricoid esophageal web.

Diagnosis involves CBC, serum ferritin, and possibly measurement of transferrin saturation (iron capacity). All people with moderate or severe iron deficiency and some people with mild deficiency require iron supplementation.

Toxicity: Iron may accumulate in the body because of 

  • Iron therapy given in excessive amounts or for too long.
  • Repeated blood transfusions
  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Overdose of iron

Iron overload can also result from an inherited iron overload disease, a potentially fatal but easily treatable genetic disorder in which too much iron is absorbed. Hemochromatosis affects > 1 million Americans.

An overdose of iron is toxic, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and damage to the intestine and other organs. Diagnosis is similar to that for iron deficiency.

Iron Sources

The hemoglobin contains two different types of iron which are heme iron and non-heme iron. The main difference between the two is the absorption capability. The body easily absorbs heme iron but absorbing non-heme iron is more difficult. Absorption rates of non-heme iron can be improved by including meat, fish and vitamin C to the diet.

Another difference is the source of these two types of iron. Organ meats such as liver, heart and kidneys, and lean beef, fish, seafood, sardines, anchovies and poultry are good sources of heme iron. Plant sources provide much of the body's non-heme iron. Good sources include spinach, oat bran, apricots, kidney beans, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, whole meal bread, eggs and soy products.

Organ meats such as liver, heart and kidneys and lean beef, fish, seafood, sardines, anchovies and poultry are food sources that are rich in heme iron. Plant sources provide much of the body's non-heme iron. Some good sources include spinach, oat bran, apricots, kidney beans, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, wholemeal bread, eggs, soy products and fortified cereals. Many other foods have been enriched with iron and this is important because most processed foods lose their natural iron supply. Pasta, bread made with refined flour, white rice and ready-to-eat cereals fall into this last category.

Women over age 50 and all older men need 8 mg of iron/day. Any woman who has not yet started menopause needs more, 18 mg/day, compensate for the blood that is lost during a woman's monthly menstrual cycle. Women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should also get more iron.

How much is usually taken? If a nutritionally oriented doctor diagnoses iron deficiency, iron supplementation is essential. A common adult dose is 100 mg per day ( this is maximum dose). When iron deficiency is diagnosed, the doctor must also determine the cause. Usually it’s not serious (such as normal menstrual blood loss or blood donation). Occasionally, however, iron deficiency signals ulcers or even colon cancer.

Many premenopausal women become marginally iron deficient unless they supplement with iron. Even so, the 18 mg of iron present in most multiple-vitamin/mineral supplements is often adequate.

Who is likely to be deficient? Vegetarians eat less iron than nonvegetarians, and the iron they eat is somewhat less absorbable. As a result, vegetarians are more likely to have reduced iron stores. However, iron deficiency is not usually caused by a lack of iron in the diet alone; an underlying cause, such as iron loss in menstrual blood, often exists.

Pregnant women, marathon runners, people who take aspirin, and those who have parasitic infections, hemorrhoids, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, gastrointestinal cancers, or other conditions that cause blood loss or malabsorption are likely to become deficient.

Individuals who fit into one of these groups, even pregnant women, shouldn’t automatically take iron supplements. Fatigue, the first symptom of iron deficiency, can be caused by many other things. A nutritionally oriented doctor should assess the need for iron supplements, since taking iron when it isn’t needed does no good and may do some harm.

Please post your review and comments in commnets section. Please write your feed back which will help us in improving the article and topics. Once againa we thank each and every reader.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Toxins.. Detoxing.. Cleansing..

Dear Readers,

I am very happy to share this topic with all of you, most of us don’t know about this. After reading this article, following questions will be answered for you. Please write us your suggestions in the comments section. 

What are toxins and where do they come from?
What is detoxing?
How to get rid of toxins from our body naturally?

Toxins ... Detoxing ... Cleansing.... these words have become an integral part of our routine these days. We're living in an environment that's full of toxins, and there's no way of avoiding contact with them. Let us know about them in detail. A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. Toxins are generally acquired from external sources like Pollution, Pesticides, Cigarettes, Chlorinated Ammoniated water, and harmful cleaning products and also through things we ingest like Food, Drinks and Drugs.
Detoxing is a process of getting rid of the toxins that built up in our body. Our Liver, kidneys, Skin, Lungs, Digestive, Lymphatic and Circulatory systems play a major role in the process of detox and eliminate toxins in the form of sweat, urine, and feces. But in this modern world we are exposed to a large number of toxins on a daily basis, and the natural detoxification mechanisms in our bodies cannot keep up the the detox demands. The human body will eventually reach a point where it is no longer capable of flushing toxic elements on its own, and they will begin to accumulate and slow down metabolism. They reduce our ability to burn lipids, or fat, and weaken our immune system greatly.

There are numerous ways to cleanse your body from toxins and it starts by adjusting your lifestyle.

Exercise is one of the natural, highly effective and safe forms of ‘detoxing’. Exercise speeds up your circulatory and respiratory systems and release toxins through sweating. It also increases the level of oxygen in the blood. This will provide you a higher level of energy and improve concentration. An oxygenated bloodstream will also help your body release toxins more easily.

Skin Detox speeds up the detoxification of skin-bound toxins. Saunas, steam baths, provide high-sweat environments which speeds up detox through the largest organ in your body, the skin. Epsom salts, skin brushing, massaging your body muscle and skin loosens the toxins that are stored in your cells and flushes them out of your body.

Fluids are excellent at flushing out toxins and restoring health. Drink more fluids, particularly purified water and fresh-squeezed juices. Your body will detox itself much easier if you are fully hydrated. Herbal teas, coconut water does great job in maintaining your hydration levels.
Slight changes to your eating habits through diet will improve your bodies ability to release toxins. High intake of Fiber literally brushs and sweeps out the built up toxins in your colon. Vitamin C stimulates the production of glutathione; a liver compound that drives away toxins. Lemon squeeze with warm water is the best choice to start off your day.

Fasting is another great way of detoxing your body. Consuming nothing but fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables for a day or more is a safe and helpful form of fasting. Juice fasting actually works better than a straight water fast, because it helps to eliminate wastes, old or dead cells while building new tissues with the easily accessible nutrients from the juices. Water fasting often results in more sickness and less energy, when compared to  fasting with fruit and vegetable juices. Systematic undereating and periodic fasting are the two most important health and longevity factors.

A Cleansing Diet works in two ways: It takes the stress off your digestive system for a few hours or days and restores the natural detoxing abilities of your body. Secondly, there is a ‘low toxic build-up’ because of the ‘low-calorie diet ‘and hence, the system detoxes the already existing toxics in the body. But this is suggested if you are taking enough amount of Daily Vitamins and Minerals from the food which you are taking other wise you will fall deficiency of the Vitamins and Minerals which is not good for health, Its very heard to measure how much we take that might be one reason USA Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommended every one to take Vitamins and Supplements on regular basis. 

For Free Online Nutrition Counseling Click Here

We shall discuss more on “Cleansing Diet” in my next post.
Tips to avoid toxins
  • Cut back on meat, dairy products, canned food and junk food. Always buy more fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables. They contain phytochemicals phytonutrients that help us detox naturally. Make sure that you are taking organics other wise normal Fruits and Vegetables will contact article chemical which are used in the process of growing.
  • Avoid processed foods, they are processed with chemicals.
  • Skin care, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, detergent and many other household products are toxic to your body (In general if all these are made of chemicals but if you start using phosphate free cleaners and other Go green products its is better) . Switch to Natural Alternatives you can give your body a big relief.
  • Avoid artificial air fresheners, tumble-dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances.
  • Avoid artificial food additives of all kinds, including artificial sweeteners
  • Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system. Make sure that you are protecting your self from UV radiation using come kind of Creams which or SPF 15 with lot of antioxidants
  • Drink bottled spring water or filtered water ( Make sure the your using good filtered water ). Reverse osmosis filtered water is best. 
Buy E-spring Click here

And Finally, My goal was to shed some light on the detox process and help you to reach your goals in increasing your quality of life. Make sure you take advantage of all the possibilities available to you so you will be able to see which option works the best for you.

For any questions and comments please write us in comments section below.

Thanks & Regards, 
Chalasani Rajitha

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tips for long lasting beautiful smile

Dear Friends,

                Recently I was working in some dental care related project in which I found very interesting information to maintain very good dental health, so with that information I did some online search about the topic which helped me in creating this article; I hope this will help you in better way. So please read this article and post your comments in the comments section, which will help me to come up with good articles for all your usage.

Increase your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is the cement that holds all of your cells together. "So just as it's vital for your skin, it's important for the health of your gum tissue," says Paula Shannon Jones, DDS, spokesperson for the Academy of General Dentistry. People who consumed less than 60 mg per day of C were 25% more likely to have gum disease than people who took in 180 mg or more, according to a study of more than 12,000 US adults conducted at the State University of New York University at Buffalo.

Smile Rx: Add a daily glass of pure Orange Juice ( not from the stores home made with out sugar ) to your breakfast routine, and make sure your multi meets the RDA for vitamin C.

Have an apple a day

Yep, it helps keep the dentist away too. Crunchy foods, including apples, celery, and carrots, act like little toothbrushes when you chew them, and they actually help scrub away stubborn stains over time. The cleansing effect on your teeth may be noticeable — if ever so slightly — especially if you're a coffee drinker who wasn't eating apples every day to begin with. "The mildly acidic nature and astringent quality of apples, combined with their rough, fiber-rich flesh, makes them the ideal food for cleansing and brightening teeth," explains Jeff Golub-Evans, DDS, founding president of the New York Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Smile Rx: If you start eating an apple a day as a between-meal snack and don't get the chance to brush your teeth afterward, be sure to chase it with a glass of water to rinse away the sugar, acid, and any plaque it may have removed from your enamel.

Drink tea Or Antioxidants

The antioxidants are good for your gums. Black and green teas contain polyphenols, antioxidant plant compounds that prevent plaque from adhering to your teeth and help reduce your chances of developing cavities and gum disease. "Tea also has potential for reducing bad breath because it inhibits the growth of the bacteria that cause the odor," explains Christine D. Wu, PhD, professor and director of caries research at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, who has conducted several studies on tea and oral health. Many teas also contain fluoride (from the leaves and the water it's steeped in), which helps protect tooth enamel from decay and promotes healthy teeth.

Smile Rx: Steep a cup every afternoon. Added bonus: a bit of caffeine for a post lunch perk.

Boost calcium consumption

The same way the mineral makes for strong bones, it's also necessary to protect your pearly whites. People who get at least 800 mg a day are less likely to develop severe gum disease, says a study by the Buffalo researchers. The reason: About 99% of the calcium in your body is in your bones and teeth. Dietary calcium — available in foods like cheese, milk, and yogurt — strengthens the alveolar bone in the jaw, which helps hold your teeth in place.

Eat up! A few simple changes to your diet can help keep your teeth healthy for life.

Smile Rx: The recommended amount is 1,000 mg per day for women younger than 51 and 1,200 mg for those older. A calcium supplement could do the trick, but you should aim to get as much as you can from your diet. You get about 240 mg each from an 8-ounce glass of milk, a 6-ounce yogurt, or a 1.5- to 2-ounce serving of cheese. 1 fl oz = 28ml approximately so, try to take at lest 224 ml of low fat milk to get 240 mg of Calcium.

Know more about importance of calcium

Go for whole grains

Whole grains are like dental insurance, suggests research from McMaster University, Canada.

Add this to the laundry list of their benefits, which include keeping your heart healthy, preventing diabetes, and more: Whole grains keep teeth healthier longer. Among 34,000 men studied for 14 years, those who ate at least three daily whole grain servings were 23% less likely to suffer tooth-loosening gum inflammation (periodontitis) than those averaging fewer than one. Eating more whole grains helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which has been shown to reduce periodontitis in diabetics.

Smile Rx: Swap white rice and regular pasta for brown and whole wheat versions. Check labels to make sure brown rice or whole grains are listed as the first ingredient.

Please  check with your doctor also, if you feel i am wrong.

Please post your comments in the comments section, so that we can improve the information which we are giving.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Know About Vitamin B12

Dear Readers,

               Its very nice to see few emails about the article & question which readers are sending regarding the old topics in the blog, Thanks for all the readers. In the present post i am writing about Vitamin B12.
After read this article you will get to know the following topics about vitamin B12

What is Vitamin B12?
What is the importance of Vitamin B12?
What is the minimum recommended intake?
What are the sources of Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a member of the vitamin B complex. It contains cobalt, and so is also known as cobalamin is unique. It differs from other vitamins, even from others of the B complex, in many ways. It has a chemical structure much more complex than that of any other vitamin. It's the only vitamin to contain an inorganic element (the mineral cobalt) as an integral part of its makeup. And only microorganisms and bacteria can make vitamin B12 -- plants and animals can't.

An abnormally low level of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a factor in many disorders. The absorption of dietary vitamin B12 occurs in the small intestine and requires a secretion from the stomach known as intrinsic factor. If intrinsic factor is deficient, absorption of vitamin B12 is severely diminished. Vitamin B12 deficiency impairs the body’s ability to make blood, accelerates blood cell destruction, and damages the nervous system. The result is pernicious anemia (PA). In the classical definition, PA refers only to B12 deficiency anemia caused by a lack of intrinsic factor. True PA is probably an autoimmune disease. The immune system destroys cells in the stomach that secrete intrinsic factor. Many people with PA have both chronic inflammation of the stomach lining, called atrophic gastritis, and antibodies that fight their intrinsic factor-secreting cells.

The term pernicious anemia is sometimes used colloquially to refer to any anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be due to malabsorption of dietary B12 despite normal levels of intrinsic factor. For example, celiac disease and Crohn’s disease may cause B12 malabsorption, which can lead to anemia. Less common causes of B12 deficiency include gastrointestinal surgery, pancreatic disease, intestinal parasites, and certain drugs. Pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and advanced stages of cancer may increase the body’s requirement for B12, sometimes leading to a deficiency state.

Low stomach acid, known as hypochlorhydria, interferes with the absorption of B12 from food but not from supplements. Aging is associated with a decrease in the normal secretion of stomach acid. As a result, some older people with normal levels of intrinsic factor and with no clear cause for malabsorption will become vitamin B12-deficient unless they take at least a few micrograms per day of vitamin B12 from supplements.

Daily Vitamins with good amount of Vitamin B12 please click here

Caution: PA is a serious medical condition. When fatigue, often the first symptom of PA, is present, a qualified healthcare practitioner should be consulted. Symptoms of PA can be caused by other conditions, none of which would respond to vitamin B12 supplementation. Moreover, if true vitamin B12 deficiency exists, the cause—lack of intrinsic factor, general malabsorption conditions, lack of stomach acidity, or dietary deficiency—must also be properly diagnosed by examination and blood tests before the appropriate treatment can be determined.

So Its very important to take Vitamins B12 in the form of food and supplement so avoid all these problems.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of severe vitamin B12 deficiency (regardless of the cause) may include burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, intermittent constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, menstrual symptoms, psychological symptoms, and nervous system problems, such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Most symptoms can occur before the deficiency is severe enough to cause anemia. Healthcare professionals have a series of laboratory tests that can determine B12 deficiency at earlier stages that are not accompanied by anemia.

Recommended Daily intake of Vitamin B12 is 6mcg, this is Water soluble; excess is excreted by the body. Vitamin B12 is Essential for normal growth and for production of red blood cells; helps maintain a healthy nervous system. 

Sources of Vitamin B12  : (Animal foods only) Preferred: lean meats, chicken, fish, skim or low-fat dairy products. Use Sparingly: eggs, liver, fatty meats.

½ pint of milk (300ml ) contains 1.2 mcg.
A slice of vegetarian cheddar cheese (40g) contains 0.5 mcg.
A boiled egg contains 0.7 mcg.
One half chicken breast provides some 0.3mcg per serving
3oz of beef, 2.4 mcg
one slice of liver 47.9mcg
3oz of molluscs 84.1 mcg.
Fermentation in the manufacture of yoghurt destroys much of the B12 present. Boiling milk can also destroy much of the B12.
I hope dear reader you learned few important acepects of vitamin B12 today, feel free to post your comments and suggestions in the comments section, and please share this article with your friends and loved once this my help them. You are comments and suggestions will help me to improve the article. 
Thanks in advance,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Why we need more antioxidants

Dear Friends,
                    Hope you are getting some thing out of this blog, we would like to take your feed backs about this blog to improve the quality of the articles.  In current article i am writing about oxidation process and why we need more antioxidants in current environment.

Lets look into the following video to know what is oxidation process and how it can cause problem in our body. 

To protect from oxidation process we need to take lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, recent study says that adults need to take at lest 10 servings for fruits and vegetables along with other antioxidants.  Few people might say that we don't need these many servings for fruits and vegetables because our parent/grand parents not used to take this much, but the truth is that those days, there is very less air pollution is there compared to today. 

Few people say that 10 services of fruits and vegetables means not possible to take, there are so many ways to take them, you can take as fresh fruit juice which is prepared at home not the one which you buy as juice. One more option you can supplement them using tablets ( which are rich in pytonutrients ) make sure that these are organic, some example for this is Concentrated fruits and vegetables supplements. 

Kids need at least 5 to 7 servings of fruits every day. so if you have kids try to give them at lest 5 to 7 services of fruits and vegetables which can help them to reduce free radical attack on there growing body. For kids Concentrated fruits and vegetables please click here.

If you observe the food pyramid, that also show the importance of fruits and vegetables.So make sure that you add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Please don't replace your food because you are taking extra fruits, these must be addition to what ever you are taking currently, don't worry about your weight, if you take more fruits it will help to maintain the optimal health with good weight.

Personally i am increasing fruits intake to my family, Its your choice what you can do. Coming to the topic. if these free radical start attacking your DNA cells that problem will not stay with you it will be passed to the generation, so make sure that you take balanced diet and help next generations.  You can avoid most of the genetic problem by recognize them at initial stage and taking good diet (for optimal health) if you have any. For optimal nutrition what exactly your body required as per your DNA you can find out using Nutrition genetic test ( for more details about this send email to with subject DNA test ).

I hope the video explained you most of the information to you about oxidation and Antioxidants to you. If you are looking for any specific information please post comments, so that i can try to give more information to you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Types of Fats

Dear Readers,
Hope you enjoyed the previous article Know About Cholesterol, As i promised about different types of fats, i am writing in this post about different types of fats. In this article few points might be very technical please bare with me, the reason i am trying to explain in details about all these is so that reader who are looking for complete expiation about this topic.
Fats can actually be broken down into different forms.  Few of them are below.
•    Saturated Fats
•    Unsaturated Fats
•    Trans Fatty Acids
•    Omega-3 Fatty Acids
•    Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Saturated Fats: Are fats derived primarily from animal sources such as beef and similar products.  These fats are hard at room temperature, such as the fat ring, or bark, on the outer edge of a nice T-bone or New York strip steak.  Saturated fats are the type you generally would like to avoid.  Saturated fats should be limited to less than or equal to less than 10% of total calories per day.
Unsaturated Fats: Can be further divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.  Polyunsaturated can be further divided into omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.  Generally, unsaturated fats come from plant sources such as canola oil, olive, and similar products.  It is recommended that you replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fats whenever possible as these are thought to be generally helpful from a health standpoint.
Trans Fatty Acids: Is used in the production of many foods such as peanut butter and oils used for cooking french-fries and donuts.  Essentially, a trans fatty acid is an unsaturated fat turned into a saturated fat.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Are found in fish oils and are thought to be very beneficial to cardiovascular health.  Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the tendency of blood to clot, and help the heart maintain a steady rhythm.  They also reduce the bodies inflammatory response which is thought to reduce the likelihood of atherosclerotic plaque breaking off and clogging an artery.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids: These are similar to omega-3 fatty acids, but and are essential for providing linolenic acid.  Generally, omega-3 fatty acids are preferred over omega-6 fatty acids.
Know lets see which are good and which are not good for your health? Most of us know that Trans Fatty Acids are not good for our health at all. The total amount of fat you eat, whether high or low, isn't really linked with disease. What really matters is the type of fat you eat.

The "bad" fats—saturated and trans fats—increase the risk for certain diseases. The "good" fats—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats—lower disease risk. The key to a healthy diet is to substitute good fats for bad fats—and to avoid trans fats.

Although it is still important to limit the amount of cholesterol you eat, especially if you have diabetes, dietary cholesterol isn't nearly the villain it's been portrayed to be. Cholesterol in the bloodstream is what's most important. And the biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats in your diet—not the amount of cholesterol you eat from food. Omega 3 comes under good fats, so it recommended to use (in the form of Oily fish or supplement format) on daily basis to make sure your fat intake is balanced.

Related Articles:
About Omega 3
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
About Cholesterol 

For detailed guide about fats and cholesterol send me request at ease email me at

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Know About Cholesterol

Dear Friends,
              Nice to see the response through emails for the article posted in this blog, I really thanks all the readers of this blog. In the present article i would like to share some information about the Cholesterol Health and some details about that.

            Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fatty substance that's made in your liver. If also comes from some foods. Despite cholesterol's bad reputation, if does have an important role in keeping your healthy. Cholesterol is stored in your cells and in your blood. It helps make hormones, vitamin D and bile acids, which help your body digest food. When you have too much cholesterol, it can build up in your blood vessels and be harmful. High Cholesterol doesn't have any symptoms, so you won't know you have it until you get tested.

                There are different types of cholesterol's are there, let's look into the details. Cholesterol and other fats can't dissolve in blood, so our body moves them to and from cells in carriers, called lipoproteins. There are two types of cholesterol:
                 High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is the good cholesterol. It helps your body by carrying cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver. Our liver gets rid of the cholesterol. High HDL reduces your risk of heart disease.
                Low-density lipoprotein or LDL, is the bad cholesterol. If we have too much LDL, it can build up on your artery walls and harden to form plaque. As plaque builds, it narrows and may clog our arteries. If we have high LDL, our risk of heart disease is greater.  
                Triglycerides are another type of fat. They are made in your body and come from food. Any Calories you eat and don't use are turned into triglycerides and stored in fat cells. High triglycerides cab increase your risk of heart disease.

Arteries are a type of blood vessels. If we have healthy arteries, they are flexible, strong and smooth on the inside. This allows blood to flow freely through them, from your heart to other parts of your body.  If we have high blood pressure or other risk factors, such as smoking, our arteries may become damaged. This is called arteriosclerosis. Fatty substances, like cholesterol build up on the inner lining of your arteries. Buildup usually happens where the artery has already been damaged. When this buildup hardens, it's called plaque. this is called atherosclerosis. Plaque buildup narrows your arteries and restricts blood flow to your heart and brain. If plaque cracks or ruptures, a blood clot can form. This can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Some Important information about Cholesterol :
               Get your cholesterol test done, In the report you can see some terms like HDL, LDL and Total cholesterol, Make sure that these levels are as per the following tables :

Type of CholesterolHDL CholesterolLDL CholesterolTriglycerides
Optimal levels60 mg/dL and overless than 100mg/dLless than 150mg/dL
Acceptable Levels40 - 59 mg/dL100 - 129 mg/dL150 - 199mg/dL (high)
Risky levels40 mg/dL and lower130 mg/dL and over200 mg/dL and over (high)

This is simple table you can check with your doctor about exact detailed table to reduce the risk.

Healthy Eating Habits :
Making changes to your diet may help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Talk to your doctor/Nutrition specialist before you begin a new diet plan.
                Limit your total fat intake to no more than 25 to 35 % of your total calories a day. This includes saturated fat, which should be less than 7 % of your total calories and trans fat which should be less than 1% ( its good to completely avoid the trans fat if you can). Saturated fat raises cholesterol, It's found in foods from animals, including meat, poultry, butter, milk and other dairy products. It's also found in some plant, including cocoa butter and tropical oils, such as coconut and palm oils, even in your cooking oils, such as corn oil, peanut oil etc. Trans fat increases total cholesterol and LDL and decrease HDL.
                 Limit your daily cholesterol intake to no more than 300mg a day. If your LDL cholesterol is high, aim for less than 200mg ( daily cholesterol means bad fats ). Eat less sugar and fewer carbohydrates to lower your triglycerides.

                 Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids to help lower your triglycerides. Cold  water fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring usually have high amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

To buy omega-3 supplements click here

Eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day. High fiber foods include: oatmeal, beans, oat bran, rice bran, peas, barley, strawberries and apples, try to eat raw so that you will be max amount of fiber.

Limit sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day. Some people may need less than 1,500mg a day your doctor can tell you what's best for you as per your medical reports.

Coming soon Different types of fats.

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