
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Take a decission part 1

Dear Readers,

Our main intention behind this series of articles is to give you the information which can help you in taking the decision about supplementation, Lot of time we are not sure what kind of supplementation we need ? and do we really need supplementation or not ? we are going to provide you the information about each and every vitamin & mineral, how much do we need on daily basis? and how much we are getting from food (What food contains how much)? what is the effect of deficiency and how we can avoid, what is the good supplementation for it. We prefer you take all the necessary diet from natural food source, but if you are not able to take that on daily basis we recommended you to take supplementation to avoid deficiency.

I would like to share a small story which might help you in taking quality decision. Let us consider that we have a pot which can hold 100 letter of water, and there is a hole to that pot which can leak one letter of water a day, Now initially we filled the pot 100 letter of water. Our target is to keep the pot always full so that we will not fall deficiency (lack) of water there is a saying that full pot will be stronger than empty pot. To meet our target we need to fill pot with at least one letter of water a day, but if we are not doing that what's going to happen? may be we are adding less than 1 letter water...? after some days the pot will be empty.

Same way our body also works, every day for the normal daily activity out body need different Vitamins, minerals and Other Dietary nutrients ( we can say in the process of metabolism, generation of new cells and energy consumption in human body along with many more ). Scientist came up with theory to calculate the metabolism rate depending on lot of factors, in general 2000 Calories of food per day is not suitable for every one its a ideal calculation, No of calories out body consumes on daily basis depends on our activity level and life style & habits. same with the vitamins, mineral and phytonutrites.

Moral of the story is that, to avoid the deficiency we need to fill gap as per the consumption. If we are not taking Optimal nutrition as per the requirements (which is minimum RDA) , its sure that we will fall deficiency of nutrition, Its good idea to add little extra nutrition to our body to make sure we get balanced nutrition. Lets look into what are the vitamins and mineral we required on daily basis along with some other nutrition. There is one more option you will have get a deficiency and take higher dosage of same nutrition (which is called drug) or supplement it when we are not deficient to not to follow deficiency.

For Complete nutrition analyst; Counseling use the following link

Free Nutrition Counseling.

Different types of Vitamins and there function in our body.

Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamins)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone/phytol naphthoquinone)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Different types of Mineral and there function in our body.


Best Organic daily vitamins & minerals Nutrilite Daily Vitamins & Minerals.

Other Important nutrition for human body.

Unsaturated Fats(Omega 3)
and many more.

now every week you we will present about each vitamin/mineral/Other essential nutrition related details. Those article may help you in taking critical decisions about your health and nutrition.

Feel free to write your comments and  questions in the comments section for this article.


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