
Monday, April 12, 2010

Toxins.. Detoxing.. Cleansing..

Dear Readers,

I am very happy to share this topic with all of you, most of us don’t know about this. After reading this article, following questions will be answered for you. Please write us your suggestions in the comments section. 

What are toxins and where do they come from?
What is detoxing?
How to get rid of toxins from our body naturally?

Toxins ... Detoxing ... Cleansing.... these words have become an integral part of our routine these days. We're living in an environment that's full of toxins, and there's no way of avoiding contact with them. Let us know about them in detail. A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. Toxins are generally acquired from external sources like Pollution, Pesticides, Cigarettes, Chlorinated Ammoniated water, and harmful cleaning products and also through things we ingest like Food, Drinks and Drugs.
Detoxing is a process of getting rid of the toxins that built up in our body. Our Liver, kidneys, Skin, Lungs, Digestive, Lymphatic and Circulatory systems play a major role in the process of detox and eliminate toxins in the form of sweat, urine, and feces. But in this modern world we are exposed to a large number of toxins on a daily basis, and the natural detoxification mechanisms in our bodies cannot keep up the the detox demands. The human body will eventually reach a point where it is no longer capable of flushing toxic elements on its own, and they will begin to accumulate and slow down metabolism. They reduce our ability to burn lipids, or fat, and weaken our immune system greatly.

There are numerous ways to cleanse your body from toxins and it starts by adjusting your lifestyle.

Exercise is one of the natural, highly effective and safe forms of ‘detoxing’. Exercise speeds up your circulatory and respiratory systems and release toxins through sweating. It also increases the level of oxygen in the blood. This will provide you a higher level of energy and improve concentration. An oxygenated bloodstream will also help your body release toxins more easily.

Skin Detox speeds up the detoxification of skin-bound toxins. Saunas, steam baths, provide high-sweat environments which speeds up detox through the largest organ in your body, the skin. Epsom salts, skin brushing, massaging your body muscle and skin loosens the toxins that are stored in your cells and flushes them out of your body.

Fluids are excellent at flushing out toxins and restoring health. Drink more fluids, particularly purified water and fresh-squeezed juices. Your body will detox itself much easier if you are fully hydrated. Herbal teas, coconut water does great job in maintaining your hydration levels.
Slight changes to your eating habits through diet will improve your bodies ability to release toxins. High intake of Fiber literally brushs and sweeps out the built up toxins in your colon. Vitamin C stimulates the production of glutathione; a liver compound that drives away toxins. Lemon squeeze with warm water is the best choice to start off your day.

Fasting is another great way of detoxing your body. Consuming nothing but fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables for a day or more is a safe and helpful form of fasting. Juice fasting actually works better than a straight water fast, because it helps to eliminate wastes, old or dead cells while building new tissues with the easily accessible nutrients from the juices. Water fasting often results in more sickness and less energy, when compared to  fasting with fruit and vegetable juices. Systematic undereating and periodic fasting are the two most important health and longevity factors.

A Cleansing Diet works in two ways: It takes the stress off your digestive system for a few hours or days and restores the natural detoxing abilities of your body. Secondly, there is a ‘low toxic build-up’ because of the ‘low-calorie diet ‘and hence, the system detoxes the already existing toxics in the body. But this is suggested if you are taking enough amount of Daily Vitamins and Minerals from the food which you are taking other wise you will fall deficiency of the Vitamins and Minerals which is not good for health, Its very heard to measure how much we take that might be one reason USA Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommended every one to take Vitamins and Supplements on regular basis. 

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We shall discuss more on “Cleansing Diet” in my next post.
Tips to avoid toxins
  • Cut back on meat, dairy products, canned food and junk food. Always buy more fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables. They contain phytochemicals phytonutrients that help us detox naturally. Make sure that you are taking organics other wise normal Fruits and Vegetables will contact article chemical which are used in the process of growing.
  • Avoid processed foods, they are processed with chemicals.
  • Skin care, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, detergent and many other household products are toxic to your body (In general if all these are made of chemicals but if you start using phosphate free cleaners and other Go green products its is better) . Switch to Natural Alternatives you can give your body a big relief.
  • Avoid artificial air fresheners, tumble-dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances.
  • Avoid artificial food additives of all kinds, including artificial sweeteners
  • Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system. Make sure that you are protecting your self from UV radiation using come kind of Creams which or SPF 15 with lot of antioxidants
  • Drink bottled spring water or filtered water ( Make sure the your using good filtered water ). Reverse osmosis filtered water is best. 
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And Finally, My goal was to shed some light on the detox process and help you to reach your goals in increasing your quality of life. Make sure you take advantage of all the possibilities available to you so you will be able to see which option works the best for you.

For any questions and comments please write us in comments section below.

Thanks & Regards, 
Chalasani Rajitha

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